Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I Hate Dooce

Of course I don't.

How can you hate someone who has brought such happiness to the faces of her many fans, to Maytag, and to advertisers everywhere? 

Anybody who hates her is just jealous, (insert sneering look directed at anyone pathetic enough to hate her). 

You wish you could be half the mother she is, half of the writer she is, you wish you could teach some Kim Kardashian how to change a diaper! 

You wish you got to go visit President Obama, bravely carrying the torch for harassed working mothers everywhere who have to get up at 6, get dressed, get the kids fed, dressed and to school, drive themselves to work, leave, pick up the kids from afterschool care, cook dinner, help with homework, and do laundry in a Maytag washing machine....

You wish you wrote a book about how it sucked when YOU had your first baby, and you wish you could see the look on that child's face when she realizes that her birth made her mother cry and drink!!!

No doubt about it.  If you are jealous, you are just plain crazy!

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